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Side hustle ideas in the UK you can do from home

Side hustles continue to be popular as a means to an end. With stubborn high inflation rates, people are looking for ways to make extra money. Luckily, there are many side hustle ideas from home you can do for more ease and comfort.

Side hustle ideas in the UK from home

The most convenient side hustles are usually done remotely, allowing you to manage your own time and keep costs low. Here are our top picks of online side hustles for a regular income:

1. Selling products

Many platforms are available to sell products online but the three most visited e-commerce sites in the UK, hands down, are Amazon, eBay and Etsy. They attract millions of visitors every month, which means more eyeballs seeing your products. For maximum success, snoop to see which products perform best by researching the best-selling sections on their sites. For example, on Amazon, books on food and weight loss are among the top sellers, while on Etsy, personalised gifts, jewellery, and downloadable worksheets on ChatGPT prompts and passive income ideas are trending right now. Learn what’s selling and why and where the market gaps are to carve out a niche for yourself.

2. Selling your knowledge

Consider selling your knowledge in areas that every business needs, such as accounting, marketing, sales, or legal. If you already use these skills in your day job, why not offer them to entrepreneurs and small businesses as well? However, check there are no conflicts of interest with your current employer and be aware of any additional taxes you may need to pay.

Alternatively, if you prefer to do something different from your day job, you can explore coaching as a side hustle, sharing your experience in hobbies or areas that interest you.

Key to coaching is finding problems that everyday people struggle with (e.g. career changemanaging moneyfitness etc.) and helping them achieve a specific goal. It’s seeing them through a transformation faster than they could have on their own.

3. Building your social media brand

Remember when you were a kid and had dreams of becoming a lawyer or engineer? Well, those times have changed. Research by HR Review UK found that 1 of 5 British children wants a career as a social media influencer. This now outranks other jobs such as doctor and teacher – and who can blame them with all the recent pay strikes?

Start by experimenting with your passions and sharing them on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, blogs, or podcasts. There is tons of information online on how to get monetised through adverts, sponsorships or affiliate marketing. However, building an influential social media brand requires consistency and persistence as it can take time to see results.

4. Offering freelance services to content creators

If being in the social media spotlight is not your thing, you can still offer valuable support to a growing army of content creators. Many of them need help in areas such as web design, graphic design, social media management, video editing, copywriting or general business or admin support. Develop your online skillsets and consider offering freelance services in these areas.

5. Cashing in on surveys 

You can sign up to various online surveys that pay in cash or through retail vouchers. Otherwise, there are market research companies that carry out more extensive research through focus groups of behalf of brands. By signing up and answering a few initial questions to see if you meet their criteria, you can join in their online focus groups and earn around £60 per hour.

6. Start a small catering business 

If you have a passion for cooking or baking, starting a small catering business can be a fulfilling side hustle. You can offer your food services to neighbours, locals, or friends for home use or small events such as birthdays and social gatherings. However, make sure you abide to the Food Standards Agency rules and consider all the health and safety risks associated with managing a food business.

These side hustle ideas provide a variety of options to generate additional and regular income from home. Choose one or two that aligns most with your passions so you can be as authentic as possible and provide the most value.

Good luck, and happy hustling!

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