Cute baby smiling

50 things to make you smile

In a world that often feels driven by materialistic things and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to miss simple pleasures.

So I thought I’d celebrate everyday small acts that bring happiness, from the warmth of the morning sun to the unexpected kindness of strangers.

Here are 50 free things that can make you smile no matter where you are.

With a little help from loved ones

  1. Reading an old letter from a friend or loved one
  2. Remembering your first kiss (and other firsts)
  3. Winking at someone you fancy (and them winking back)
  4. Finding out your crush likes you back
  5. Telling someone you love them (or hearing it from them)
  6. Cuddling up on the sofa with a loved one
  7. Being in a room with friends or loved ones and feeling your heart getting full
  8. Calling a friend or loved one to hear their voice
  9. Listening to a family member or friend share their good news
  10. Bumping into an old friend
  11. Getting dragged to an event or party that turned out to be really fun
  12. Going to a free festival or show and having the best time
  13. Munching on a really good burger or hot dog at a friend’s BBQ
  14. Getting or giving hugs
  15. Having someone cook you an amazing meal

Having your hard work or finances surprise you 

  1. Finding money you forgot you had in your wallet
  2. Seeing more money in your bank account than you expected
  3. Remembering it’s pay day
  4. Finding out you passed an exam
  5. Getting that job, promotion or launching that business you wanted

Through the kindness of strangers

  1. Watching a baby smile
  2. Watching people being silly in a park
  3. Having a stranger smile at you
  4. Chatting to an interesting stranger on a bus, train or plane
  5. Making a new friend

Marvelling at nature

  1. Enjoying a crisp morning walk
  2. Gazing at a sunrise
  3. Smelling roses (or your favourite flowers)
  4. Sitting out on a warm day with the sun hitting your face
  5. Wrapping up cosily indoors while it’s raining outside
  6. Listening to the rain
  7. Admiring a sunset

You’ve got this!

  1. Waking up and finding out you still have a few more hours before your alarm goes off
  2. Warming up to a nice cup of tea or coffee
  3. Wearing your favourite outfit
  4. Feeling good about yourself
  5. Hearing your favourite singer play on the radio
  6. Dancing in your room
  7. Making a collage of your favourite things
  8. Discovering you still have free retail vouchers or points to use
  9. Finding a chocolate bar to tuck into, just when you really need it
  10. Downing your favourite cold drink on a hot summer’s day
  11. Googling a funny joke or video
  12. Making a baby smile
  13. Slouching on the sofa after a long day
  14. Watching your favourite film or show
  15. Digging into some delicious leftovers from the night before
  16. Singing in the shower
  17. Feeling lucky and grateful to be alive
  18. Diving into bed at night remembering all the amazing things that made you smile that day!

What everyday moments bring you joy that you would add to the list?

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